How to earn money with blog writing

Blog posting and making a living is a profitable venture if you leverage your talent the correct way. In the first instance, you might blog for your own good and earn money with blog doing it through sources such as affiliate marketing, paid blogs, and ad networks like Google AdSense.

 As a popular blogger, businesses and enterprises will begin rewarding you for articles about their brands or services. In addition to that, you can offer freelance writing to other websites, firms, or blogs that need good content. 

Through niche specialization, producing quality posts on a constant basis, and generating traffic with SEO, social media, and email marketing, you can improve your possibilities of earn money with blog out of your blog. As time goes by as is currently happening, with establishing authority and engaging audience, your ability to earn money from blogging can grow significantly.

Create Your Own Blog

The first step to earn money through blogging by writing is to create your own blog. Begin with sites such as WordPress, Blogger, or Medium that provide extremely low facilities for new start-ups. After the blog is set up, invest your time and energy in creating quality good interesting content material that attracts towards a specific user base. You need to select a niche since you are blogging to one person with some interest, and this is how you drive traffic to your blog and as an authority blog in the niche.

earn money with blog

Monetize Your Blog

You can now monetize your blog. These are some of the most popular means of making money through blogging:

Affiliate Marketing

The most popular way in which bloggers make their money. Affiliate marketing is really selling another person’s product or service and earning from each sale generated through your own affiliate link. Success in affiliate marketing is about choosing products or services your visitors love and crave. Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction are the most popular affiliate programs. Having your affiliate links placed within your content organically, e.g., in product reviews or tutorials, will be more conducive to leading to conversions. 

Sponsored Posts

Once you have a readership base for your blog, the firms approach you with their proposal and tell you to write about the company, product, or service in a sponsored manner and earn. You can make lots of money with sponsored posts if you have an active as well as concerned readership. Your integrity towards readers remains intact because you term such sponsored posts transparently so your integrity is not revealed.

Display Ads


Placing ads on your blog is another highly prevalent method of generating revenue. Google AdSense is the most utilized ad network among most of the bloggers. Display ads pay you in the form of pay-per-click-through per click (CPC) or pay-per-impression per thousands (CPM). It is a passive income, but usually you need to have enormous traffic only to earn good amount out of this. Long-term audience is thus very crucial in succeeding with this method.

Sales of digital products

Selling e-products is another means through which you can earn money from blogging. They may be eBooks, tutorials, printables, or guides on your topic. You can create useful tools if you have expertise in a topic, for example, business, money, or health. Then people will pay for the same because they would be needing and hence willing to pay for it. You get 100% profit when you sell something of your own.

Freelance Writing

If you enjoy writing for a blog but do not want to do it for your own company or site, then freelancing is your top earner.

You can offer bids at other business platforms based on your niche or target platforms where you get a word that there is demand for quality content. Your most focused customers for such clients as a freelancer would be freelancing platforms like Freelancer, Upwork, and Fiverr. Creating quality content on a regular basis brings you a good clients’ list as well as a regular inflow of revenues.

Get Traffic on Your Blog

Traffic is of the highest priority if you ever want to be amazing at making money on your blog. Traffic is what will set you at zero dollars in your bank account. Here are some ideas on how to get recognized by your blog:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Keyword rightly search engine optimize your entries so that you rank best on the search engines and drive organic traffic.

Social Media Marketing:

Share your blog entries on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to engage with your audience and drive more visitors.

Email Marketing:

 Create an email list by providing something for free such as an eBook or checklist. Send them regular messages utilizing this list and continuously nudge them towards your blog again and again.


Where did blogging come from?

Choose a niche, blog, and create quality content.

What is affiliate marketing?

Sell out-of-market market products and receive sale money through your own referral link.

What is sponsored post

Companies are being paid to endorse supporting their products or services.


Yes, blogging pays someone and is a very effective means of attaining passive income but does require some effort, commitment, and plenty of time.

With building blogs, showcasing good content, and making money in different manners such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling online products, it is simple to make his blog an actual business. Having a good readership base, selling content effectively, and providing value to readers at all times is the first and primary key. Blogging can become a successful part-time or full-time business if effort and determination are used.

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