Embed YouTube Video in Google Slides can enhance your experience significantly. Be it while teaching, leading a business meeting, or presenting. Apart from static images or text, videos serve to enrich one’s audience’s experience by providing context. A visual illustration, or simply a relief from the endless barrage of words. Adding a YouTube video might look difficult if one hasn’t done this before. But, no need to fret! In this tutorial, we will outline the entire process step by step. But we are also providing a few other useful hints to make this all work out well.
Reasons For Embedding YouTube Videos To Google Slides
Inserting a video into a presentation makes the content more lively and energetic. Enhancing audience engagement by keeping them focused on the slides.
There is no need to turn off the slideshow. The presentation preserves the audience’s control over its course. Further, van-loading videos are the most efficient, interesting, and effective method available.
Learn How to download a video from here.
Step-by-Step Guide to Embedding YouTube Videos in Google Slides
Step 1: Prepare Your Slide
It is always advisable to choose a spot for your video ahead of time. Prior to embedding it anywhere within the document. This helps to create a designated area and to avoid unnecessary movement of components that could be tedious.
Step 2: Open Your Google Slides Presentation
Launch Google Slides and then go to the specific location on the slide. In which you want to add the video. Note that it is possible to insert a video in any of the slides in your presentation. Just ensure it is relevant to your work rather than sidetracking.
Step 3: Click on “Insert” in the Toolbar
After that, you can go to the appropriate slide. Then go to the top of the screen, where the toolbar is located. Find the Insert option and click on it. This dropdown menu contains all sorts of things that you can put onto a slide, such as images, text boxes, charts, and, most importantly, videos.
Step 4: Select “Video” from the Dropdown Menu
In the same section where you are inserting objects, there is also an option that says Video. Once you click it, you will see another window. This will show you the ways of adding video to this slide.
Step 5: Search for or Paste the YouTube Link
When selecting a video for your slide, you have three options: Search, By URL, and Google Drive. If the video is on YouTube, use the “By URL” option to add it directly. Simply copy the YouTube video’s link, paste it into the box, and Google Slides will handle the rest.
Tip: In order to find the YouTube page address, visit YouTube, play the video, and then take the address in the address field of the web browser.
Or, you can Tap-on the Search tab and find the video within Google Slides. Enter some keywords, and a list of matching YouTube videos appears. Select the video you wish to insert then click Select.
Step 6. Alter the size and orientation of the video
When you insert a video into your slide, it is possible that the size or its location is not ideal. Tweak the size by clicking on the corners of the video box and dragging them in or out. You can reposition the video anywhere on the slide as needed. Play around with the positioning to ensure that all other slide parts coexist harmoniously.
Changing the Size of Your Embedded YouTube Video
After inserting the video on your slide, you can also adjust the following minor details:
Options For Playback: With the use of the Format options by right-clicking the video. It displays the video on the designated time frame stamps only. This is beneficial when you are presenting a longer video, but wish to focus on a shorter segment.
Autoplay: Within the Format options, there is also an autoplay choiceActivating this ensures the video plays automatically when the slide is reached, without requiring the user to click play.
Remove Sound From The Video: In instances where sound is not needed, you can mute the video in the presentation through the Format options.
Common Issues For YouTube Videos In Slides And Their Easy Remedies
Understandably, some problems arise while embedding a YouTube video. Below is a guide that outlines some problem areas and possible solutions.
Video Isn’t Playing: Please check your internet connection. Because the internet is a requirement in playing videos in the Google Slides as they do not play offline.
Playback Starts at the Wrong Time: Make sure you have cross-checked the start. And end times input in the Format options.
Video Appears Too Small or Large: Resize it by dragging the corners. Or putting in specific measurements for uniformity in presentation.
No Sound: Ensure the video you are playing is not muted in the **Format options**. As well as on YouTube.
You can also learn how to save video from YouTube from here.
Key Takeaways
Inserting YouTube videos into Google Slides is beneficial as it enhances the viewer experience without leaving the presentation.
With the Insert > Video option, YouTube links can be directly inserted into the presentation.
Adjust the start and end times, autoplay, and sound options to better suit your presentation.
In case of problems with playback, ensure that internet and formatting issues are not the cause of the problem.
Is it possible to embed video from different sites as well?
As of now, Google Slides allows the embedding of videos only from YouTube. However, you may upload videos to YouTube privately and embed them if necessary.
Would the videos that have been embedded play without any network connection?
If the place where you are giving a presentation has bad internet connectivity. You may want to get the video and upload it to your Google Drive before embedding it from the drive.
Am I allowed to embed only a particular section of a YouTube video?
You can choose beginning and ending times from the Format options. In this way, only that portion of the video will be played in the presentation.
Is it possible to make an embedded video silent?
Definitely! Select “Mute” in the Format options if sound is not needed, or adjust the volume on the YouTube player.
If YouTube takes down the video you embedded, it will no longer appear in your slides.
If YouTube deletes the footage, it will no longer appear on your slides.
It is a simple and effective idea used to enhance any presentation. Once you follow the simple steps outlined above. Incorporating videos will be much easier. Keeping their focus further and making every effort to improve the overall experience. You can tailor the playback, mute, and dimension adjustments to meet your requirements for the video.