We are contacting you to tell you that your Facebook page has been set in permanent deletion. If this was not initiated in error or you wish to retain your page, take action now to stop this action from going through. When the deletion is completed, all content related to your page—such as posts, photos, videos, messages, and all other content—will be lost forever and cannot be reclaimed.
You have limited time only in which you can reverse the deletion or modify your page settings. If you wish to save your page and content, please consider following the instructions given to reverse the deletion request or take necessary actions to save your page.
Understanding the Deletion Process
If Facebook tells you that your page is pending deletion, then likely enough it is because you or the admin-accredited person has initiated the process of deleting the page. This is not always so, however. Sometimes, users will overlook settings, get notifications by accident, or become confused over how page administration is done.
If your page is going to be deleted, then you are given a grace period to delete confirmation or to reverse back. Given that it’s not cancelled within the grace period, your page is deleted forever. After the deletion process reaches its very end, your post, and pictures and videos, are lost forever. Even your messages get lost forever. This is catastrophic to companies or content creators who derive their traffic and customer interaction from their Facebook page.
Why Is This Happening?
There are enough reasons your Facebook page will be flagged for removal. Some of the most common offenders are:
If the page has been inactive for ridiculously extended periods of time, Facebook will automatically flag it for removal.
Violating Facebook Guidelines:
If the page is violating the Facebook guidelines or the community standards, the page can be deleted.
Admin Request:
A requester or administrator might accidentally or intentionally request that the page be deleted.
Systemic Technical Errors:
Sometimes the pages are requested to be deleted by mistake through systemic technical faults or system faults on the website.
What Are You To Do?
If your Facebook page is scheduled to be deleted, the initial thing you must do is sign into your notifications and verify the deletion request. You must also accomplish the following:
Verify Page Settings:
Ensure no other individual besides you (or approved admins) has made a request for deletion. Verify page roles and permission to confirm no unauthorized user is managing your page.
Cancel Deletion Request:
On accidental deletion or if you ever want to preserve the page, usually there should be a cancel deletion request facility. Facebook is kind enough to give you grace time (usually within 14 days) and reverse the step.
Backup Your Content:
If you think that your page can be deleted forever in the future, attempt to backup your content. Backup your posts, photos, videos, and other data. Facebook has an option to download your content in the settings.
Appeal if Necessary:
If the removal was due to Facebook terms violation, and you believe it was an error, you can appeal. Facebook provides a process for such cases to be reviewed, and you can appeal via their help center.
Avoid Future Deletions
To prevent future removal of your page, do the following:
Keep Your Page Active: Keep updating your page with contents that keep your page active. In that way, it won’t be deactivated for inactivity.
Comply with Facebook Policies:
Always comply with Facebook community policies to stay free from any problems with the deactivation of your page for violating them.
Watch Out for Admin Privileges:
Remain vigilant and always make sure that someone who possesses admin privileges is not able to view your page. Allow only those trusted individuals who have complete control of the master settings.
Why was my page deleted?
Your page may be in violation of policies, or an admin has deleted by mistake.
Can I undo deletion process?
Yes, deletion cancellation is done if done in the grace period provided.
How do I undelete content?
You cannot undelete deleted content; back up first, then delete.
Having your Facebook page in a state of permanent deletion is intimidating, but not hopeless. Through instant action, setting checking, and content saving, you can rest assured that your online reputation is secure.
Be proactive, and keep monitoring for notifications to ensure that you never receive any surprise. With effective management, your page can continue to prosper without fear of losing significant content or followers.